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debugging programの例文


  • Even after full-featured assemblers became readily available, a machine code monitor was indispensable for debugging programs.
  • A user normally also gets an AIDA process which is privileged and used to load only trusted debugging programs.
  • He spent a couple of days using a debugging program to examine the portion of the Netscape software that creates random numbers.
  • Myers and a graduate student, Andrew Ko, have developed a debugging program that lets users ask questions about computer errors in plain English : Why didn't a program behave as expected?
  • But when IBM developed File Manager and Fault Analyzer, as well as a debugging program similar to one Compuware makes, Nathan said IBM stopped sharing information because the products directly competed with Compuware.
  • They are one and the same . machine code monitors were and are used as debug monitors . this can also be verified from third paragraph of this article which states " a machine code monitor was indepensible for debugging programs"
  • Monitor can be used for reading and writing memory, modifying CPU registers, running code at specific addresses in memory, saving / loading memory to / from a plugin option, etc . This is very useful for debugging programs written in machine code in difference to programs written in the EPSON BASIC programming language.